Elisa Gironzetti
Associate Director for Undergraduate Academic Affairs, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Associate Professor, Spanish and Portuguese
Member, Maryland Language Science Center
2204 Jiménez Hall
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Research Expertise
Applied Linguistics
Heritage Language(s)
Second Language Pragmatics
Elisa Gironzetti earned a Doctorate in Spanish Language Teaching (University of Alicante, 2013) and a Ph. D. in English Applied Linguistics (Texas A&M University-Commerce, 2017). Her research focuses on humor, pragmatics and language teaching, and Hispanic applied linguistics. She has published in international journals and edited volumes including Applied Linguistics, Discourse Processes, Intercultural Pragmatics, Humor, Journal of Literary Semantics, The Routledge Handbook of Language and Humor, and Journal of Spanish Language Teaching, among others. She is the founding editor of E-JournALL, an open-access scholarly publication in the field of applied linguistics and language teaching, associate editor of Journal of Spanish Language Teaching, consulting editor of HUMOR - International Journal of Humor Research, director of publications of ASELE (Asociación para la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera), and co-editor of the book series "Routledge Innovations in Spanish Language Teaching," showcasing cutting-edge research in the field of Hispanic Applied Linguistics. She co-edited the Routledge Handbook of Spanish Language Teaching (2018), The Routledge Handbook of Multiliteracies for Spanish Language Teaching (2024) and published the book The Multimodal performance of Conversational Humor (2022). She is currently conducting research in the areas of the multimodal studies, Spanish as a heritage language, Hispanic applied linguistics research and publishing, and the research-practice nexus in Spanish language teaching.
The Routledge Handbook of Multiliteracies for Spanish Language Teaching
30 chapters written in Spanish, provides a comprehensive account of the main theoretical, curricular, and pedagogical foundations for implementing and researching a pedagogy for multiliteracies in Spanish language teaching.
The Routledge Handbook of Multiliteracies for Spanish Language Teaching: multimodalidad e interdisciplinariedad, co-edited by Elisa Gironzetti and Manel Lacorte, provides a comprehensive account of the main theoretical, curricular and pedagogical foundations for implementing and researching a pedagogy for multiliteracies in Spanish Language Teaching.
Written entirely in Spanish, the volume is the first handbook to connect the multiple disciplinary perspectives that contribute to a pedagogy for multiliteracies and to bring together renowned and young scholars from around the world to offer the most recent research and a multifaceted view of this field.
Read More about The Routledge Handbook of Multiliteracies for Spanish Language Teaching
The Multimodal Performance of Conversational Humor
The groundbreaking monograph "The Multimodal Performance of Conversational Humor" delves into how visual cues like smiling and gaze shape humor, offering a fresh, non-linguistic perspective on comedic interactions.
This volume is the first monograph exploring the functions of visual cues in humor, advocating for the development of a non-linguocentric theory of humor performance. It analyzes a corpus of dyadic, face-to-face interactions in Spanish and English to study the relationship between humor, smiling, and gaze, and shows how, by focusing on these elements, it is possible to shed light on the “unsaid” of conversations.
In the book, the humorous framing of an utterance is shown to be negotiated and co-constructed dialogically and multimodally, through changes and patterns of smiling synchronicity, smiling intensity, and eye movements. The study also analyzes the multimodal features of failed humor and proposes a new categorization from a dialogic perspective.
Because of its interdisciplinary approach, which includes facial expression analysis and eye tracking, this book is relevant to humor researchers as well as scholars in social and behavioral sciences interested in multimodality and embodied cognition.
Read More about The Multimodal Performance of Conversational Humor
The Multimodal Performance of Conversational Humor by John Benjamins Press, Figurative Thought and Language Series
In the book, the humorous framing of an utterance is shown to be negotiated and co-constructed dialogically and multimodally, through changes and patterns of smiling synchronicity, smiling intensity, and eye movements.
This volume is the first monograph exploring the functions of visual cues in humor, advocating for the development of a non-linguocentric theory of humor performance. It analyzes a corpus of dyadic, face-to-face interactions in Spanish and English to study the relationship between humor, smiling, and gaze, and shows how, by focusing on these elements, it is possible to shed light on the “unsaid” of conversations. In the book, the humorous framing of an utterance is shown to be negotiated and co-constructed dialogically and multimodally, through changes and patterns of smiling synchronicity, smiling intensity, and eye movements. The study also analyzes the multimodal features of failed humor and proposes a new categorization from a dialogic perspective. Because of its interdisciplinary approach, which includes facial expression analysis and eye-tracking, this book is relevant to humor researchers as well as scholars in social and behavioral sciences interested in multimodality and embodied cognition.
The Routledge Handbook of Hispanic Applied Linguistics
The volume provides a comprehensive overview of Hispanic applied linguistics from a variety of perspectives.
The Routledge Handbook of Hispanic Applied Linguistics provides a comprehensive overview of Hispanic applied linguistics, allowing students to understand the field from a variety of perspectives and offering insight into the ever-growing number of professional opportunities afforded to Spanish language program graduates. The goal of this book is to re-contextualize the notion of applied linguistics as simply the application of theoretical linguistic concepts to practical settings and to consider it as its own field that addresses language-based issues and problems in a real-world context. The book is organized into five parts: 1) perspectives on learning Spanish 2) issues and environments in Spanish teaching 3) Spanish in the professions 4) the discourses of Spanish and 5) social and political contexts for Spanish. The book’s all-inclusive coverage gives students the theoretical and sociocultural context for study in Hispanic applied linguistics while offering practical information on its application in the professional sector.
Read More about The Routledge Handbook of Hispanic Applied Linguistics
Investigación y pedagogía en la enseñanza del español como lengua de herencia (ELH): una metasíntesis cualitativa
This study presents the results of a qualitative metasynthesis conducted on teaching-oriented research publications for Spanish as a Heritage Language (SHL).
Smiling and the Negotiation of Humor in Conversation
This study investigates the function of smiling intensity as a non-discrete marker of humor in conversation.
Read More about Smiling and the Negotiation of Humor in Conversation