SLA Program hosts tree planting ceremony to honor Dr. Mike Long
October 25, 2021
Current and former students and faculty meet together in memory of Dr. Long
On Monday, October 18, 2021, the SLA program hosted a tree planting event in memory of Dr. Mike Long - a teacher, mentor, and friend to so many in the second language acquisition community and beyond. The tree was planted in front of Jiménez Hall on the side of the McKeldin Mall. This event has gathered together many of Mike's friends, colleagues, and students who came in person to honor his memory. Many people from around the world also joined the event via Zoom. Cathy Doughty, Mike's wife, expressed gratitude to the people in the SLA program for taking the initiative to plant the tree of remembrance of Mike. Speakers from SLLC, SLA, and Linguistics shared their warm memories of Professor Long and admitted how much they miss seeing him around Jiménez and the UMD campus.
The SLA students want to thank all the donors for their generous contribution in raising funds for the tree. This tree will be a lasting reminder of Mike's priceless contribution to the wellbeing and prosperity of SLA, SLLC, and UMD, in general. His students will continue, like the branches of the tree, to flourish and carry on Mike's tradition of SLA-grounded research.