Exploring French Art and Film: Brendan Berger’s ‘Life-Changing’ Year Abroad
The senior French and film student took in art at renowned museums and attended the Cannes Film Festival.
Find the latest news and information from our departments and programs including student experiences, faculty research and awards, and alumni updates.
From study abroad support to awards for excellence in language learning our students are excelling!
Four ARHU students receive the prestigious grant.
Congratulations to our Graduate students!
Six teaching assistants honored by SLLC undergraduates
As the academic year ends, we want to congratulate the Spring 2022 recipients of French and SLLC undergraduate scholarships and awards. These students were nominated by faculty and instructors and chosen for their skill and interest in French.
Eades will use the residency to advance her project on "Habib Benglia: An Invisible and Omnipresent Figure of the Other in French Cinema"
John will spend the summer studying in Germany
German Major awarded scholarship
German Major awarded scholarship
German Minor awarded Scholarship