SPAP honors undergraduate awardees in virtual ceremony
May 11, 2020

The Spanish & Portuguese program held a virtual ceremony to honor their 2020 inductees into Sigma Delta Pi.
The Spanish and Portuguese Program had a virtual ceremony to honor their award-winning students and the new members of Honor Society Sigma Delta Pi.
The winner of THE MOISES AND LUCÍA IGEL LANGUAGE ACHIEVEMENT AWARD (PORT 205) is Mariah DePaula a student of Adonis de Carvalho, who was selected at the end of the Fall 2019 semester. Our gratitude goes to Prof. Regina Igel, who has pledged the funds for this award for the next decade.
The winner of THE JOSÉ EMILIO PACHECO ESSAY AWARD (SPAN 301 & SPAN 306) is Sreelekha Chillanki, a student of Ana Claudia Dos Santos for an essay titled: "La libertad de expresión: ¿se aplica a un Internet no regulado?"
The winner of the THE SANDY CYPESS AND ROBERTA LAVINE RESEARCH AWARD (SPAN 303) is for Ellie Hidalgo, a student of Chris Lewis, for an essay entitled: "La continuación y ruptura de las normas sociales tras las representaciones de gente marginalizada."
The winner of THE GRACIELA NEMES OUTSTANDING STUDENT AWARD for this academic year is Hannah Barlow. Her achievements as a Spanish Major in our department as well as her commitment beyond the classroom made her an ideal recipient of this honor. Hannah was nominated by Prof. Laura Demaría and supported by Prof. Saúl Sosnowski and Prof. Juan Carlos Quintero.
Our new Sigma Delta Pi inductees are:
- Ryleigh Ahearn
- Sofía Alvarado
- Chloe Bates
- Abhiksha Desai
- Julia Garman
- Anna Liddle
- Jenna Wollney
¡Felicidades a tod@s!