Lecture by Cristián Opazo
February 06, 2017

The Department of Spanish and Portuguese was pleased to welcome Dr. Cristián Opazo, Associate Professor of Literature from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, for an exciting event on Friday, February 3, 2017.
The Department of Spanish and Portuguese was pleased to welcome Dr. Cristián Opazo, Associate Professor of Literature from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, for an exciting event on Friday, February 3, 2017.
Dr. Opazo is currently working on his third book titled, Repertorios clandestinos: dramaturgia, masculinidad y underground, which analyzes the works of Chilean dramatists Ramón Griffero, Andrés Pérez, and Jorge Díaz. Dr. Opazo’s lecture focused on the chapter dedicated to the work of Jorge Díaz during his Spanish exile. The presentation examined three cultural mediums: photography, theatrical manuscript, and audio visual materials.
Cristián Opazo is Associate Professor and Director of Research and Graduate Studies in the School of Literatures at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. His research focuses on drama, gender, performance and the underground. In addition to numerous articles and book chapters Dr. Opazo has published Pedagogías letales: ensayo sobre dramaturgies chilenas del Nuevo milenio (2011), and De armarios y bibliotecas: los performances del efecto en las narrativas de Alberto Fuguet (Forthcoming, 2017). Among his edited and co-edited volumes we find Cuerpos que no caben en la lengua, Jorge Díaz: siete obras desconocidas, and Colección Ensayos Críticos: Galemiri.