German Honor Society
The Delta Phi Alpha National German Honor Society began with the founding of the Alpha chapter at Wofford College in 1927, and now has constituent chapters at 236 colleges and universities throughout the United States.
Applications for individual membership in the Society are accredited by the student’s chapter advisor and/or head of the German department. Qualifications for student membership are:
- A minimum of two years of college or university German or their equivalent
- A minimum average of B+ (3.3GPA) or its equivalent in German courses
- A minimum cumulative average of B- (2.7GPA) or its equivalent
- Indication of continued interest in the study of German language and literature
APPLICATION DEADLINE: April 5. Complete the application form in the link below and send it to John Scott.
Application Form
Chapter faculty advisors submit the application materials for students within their constituent chapters. Each new member receives a custom, embossed membership certificate and a membership pin.
One-time membership dues: $25
Who to Contact
John Scott
Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
German TA Supervisor, Language Program Coordinator, German Studies
Member, Maryland Language Science Center
3210 Jiménez Hall
College Park