Mona Farjad | Monologues
Mona Farjad | Monologues
Over the past year, Iranian actor Mona Farjad has filmed a series of monologues and released them on her Instagram page. These performances present stories and memories of Iranian women in a variety of performance and linguistic styles. Through her work, Farjad addresses Iranians’ shared concerns and provide her audience with exciting new material in a time of hardship. Roshan Institute for Persian Studies has invited Farjad to present her monologues to the University of Maryland community and discuss how she envisions her work’s message and reception. This conversation will be moderated by Dr. Marjan Moosavi, Roshan Lecturer in Performing Arts and expert in MENA theatre.
برای صحبت در مورد «تکگوییهای زنانه به ترتیب حروف الفبا» از بازیگر ایرانی مونا فرجاد به ما بپیوندید